How are different values—
In the project Trials of Value me and two colleagues have developed a new approach to studying values in society that we have called Valuography.
I am associate editor of the peer reviewed journal Valuation Studies.
How do AI, algorithms and “big data” reshape knowledge production? My research on algorithms asks how new information technologies are changing how knowledge production is changing due to increasing computational power.
At the moment I am studying how new technologies are reshaping knowledge production in the projects AI: A New Scientific Revolution? and The Rise of Infodemiology.
I have founded a network for the social study of algorithms: The Algorithm Studies Network. I'm also part of the national WASP-HS initiative.
Knowledge infrastructures is a long-standing research interest, where I ask how digital infrastructures reshape the world and how we perceive it? Here I examine how different technologies are intertwined with the making of society and culture.
I have studied how infrastructures shape society in for example epidemiology, bioscience, and education. Currently I am studying how congenital malformations are classified in the project Standardizing Abnormality.